Potato Winter Meeting: March 2020

The Scottish Society for Crop Research (SSCR) Potato Sub-Committee are holding their Winter Meeting at the James Hutton Institute, Invergowrie on 11 March 2020.


BASIS and NRoSO points will be applied for and published here in due course.


Registration and coffee is from 11am with the programme starting at 11.30am. Lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Full programme of talks below:

11:00      Registration and coffee

11:30      Welcome and introduction

               Euan Grewar, Grewar Farming and Chair of the Potato Sub-Committee

11:40      The Potato Industry in Scotland

               Claire Hodge, AHDB

11:50      SSCR Project: Interaction between free-living nematodes and Pectobacterium

               Ian Toth, James Hutton Institute

12:00      Blight and phenotypic traits of new populations

               Dave Cooke, James Hutton Institute

12:20      The current retail environment

               Speaker to be confirmed, Albert Bartlett

12:40      Lunch and trade stands*

14:00      International Barley Hub /Advanced Plant growth Centre: focus on potato

               Derek Stewart, James Hutton Institute

14:20      Desiccation treatments: alternatives to Diquat

               Speaker to be confirmed

14:40      The future threat of potato cyst nematode

               Kim Davie, SASA

15:00      Integrated potato cyst nematode management

               Eric Anderson, Scottish Agronomy

15:20      Introduction to Lead Potato Researcher and Consultant for Scotland

               Philip Burgess, James Hutton Institute, SRUC and SASA

15:40      Roundup and depart

Trade stands

There will be space for no more than five trade stands so if you would like to book a space, please book as soon as possible. Spaces will be sold on a first come first serve basis and cost £300 + VAT. Please speak to Pam Cassidy on 01382 568 751 or email events@hutton.ac.uk


This event is free to attend for SSCR members. Non-members will be required to pay a £15 attendance fee or they will be given an opportunity to join the Society themselves.

Please confirm your attendance by no later than Thursday 5 March 2020 to:

Emily Beats
Communications Officer
The James Hutton Institute
Dundee DD2 5DA
Tel: 0344 928 5428
Email: events@hutton.ac.uk